Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Hachiko, the wonder dog

In Tokyo, one of the more popular tourist attractions is a bronze statue of an incredible Akita dog named Hachiko. It's located at the Shibuya subway station. This story pulled hard at my heartstrings and I wanted to share it with you. 
This story dates back to the 1920's. 
Hachiko was owned by a professor who worked at the University of Tokyo. Everyday when the professor returned from work, Hachiko was faithfully waiting for him at the subway station. Everyday. He even knew what time to be there. (dogs are so smart!)
Sadly, one day, his owner did not return. He suffered from a stroke while at the university and subsequently died. Being the loyal dog he was, Hachiko continued to wait at the subway station.... for the next 9 years!
Ok, if you're not teary eyed yet, somethings wrong with you. 
Locals began to notice that Hachiko was incessantly hanging around the subway station. Some had seen him with the professor when he was alive. The loving locals fed Hachiko at the station until the day he died, 9 years later.
His remarkable loyalty made the Japanese fall in love with him and he was morphed him into a canine celebrity. Today, he is the national symbol of loyalty in Japan. There are even stories and books written about this unbelievable dog. 
After Hachiko's death, an autopsy determined that he had died from cancer. His body was stuffed and is on display in a museum in Tokyo. 
Just another testimony to the awesomeness of dogs. 
Have I mentioned, I LOVE DOGS!!!

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