Saturday, September 28, 2013

San Cristobal De Las Casas, Mexico~ my personal fav

What's your favorite city in Mexico? 
Ooooh, pick me, pick me!
It's San Cristobal De Las Casas! 
If you're wondering why this post is on the goofy side, it's because I'm writing this in the car on the way to Belize and am breathing in toxic amounts of gasoline into my lungs because we have 2 5-gallon tanks filled with gas from Mexico sloshing around in our backseat. Why? 
Because the gas in Belize is about $5.50/gallon. That's about $2 more than Mexico. 
Now you know. 
From Salina Cruz, we moseyed on over to San Cristobal De Las Casas, or SCDLC (we'll just say that for short). I had heard great reviews on the city, but I tend to take advice with a grain of salt. I had to check it out for myself.  
I have to say , I was pleasantly surprised. 
It had a bit of a European vibe to it, infused with health nut meets hippy. It was my style, for shizzle. 
Signs for yoga and natural foods could be found on every street.
Thoroughly sick of tacos, Dinh and I scavenged the city for something different. ANYTHING but tacos, for the love of God. This quaint city was the perfect place to break that vicious cycle of Mexican food-eating. We noshed on Indian food that made our taste buds smile. 
With our bellies full to the brim, we strolled through the cobblestone streets, getting hawked constantly by local girls selling their handmade scarfs, sweaters and other trinkets. Child labor laws do not exist in Mexico. 
"Quantos años tienes?", I asked one of the young girls. (How old are you?)
"Siete", she replied. (Seven)

That reminds me, a 13 year-old boy bagged our groceries at the local supermarket the other day. He was so little! It looked so out of place, I had a hard time holding back my laughter. 

Back to SCDLC: At $5 for a cozy wool scarf, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to help give back to the indigenous Mayans, all the while keeping my neck warm in the chilly mountain nighttime air. Win-win. 
I was totally digging this groovy little town, but unfortunately Dinh was still suffering from the high altitude. His constant sharp headache made it hard for him to enjoy SCDLC. However, the altitude had zero effect on me. Because I am mountain woman. Clearly . 
One evening I had more energy than a 5 year old full of Mountain Dew and Snickers. (Shoot... now I'm hungry for a Snickers) Anyways. All Dinh wanted to do was lay in bed and hope for his headache to vanish. My partner in crime was kaput. 
Since I despise the caged animal feeling, I strapped on my running shoes and flew out the door. Literally . 
Just kidding. 
Well... it did feel like it. I have these really light running shoes that make me feel like I'm floating on air. I floated all over SCDLC that night. Even though it was dark and 8 o'clock at night, I didn't feel like I was in any danger. I ran by a funeral home with mourning family members. Although they had seen better days, they still managed to squeeze out a smile for me. 
I love Mexicans. 
Beautiful churches and a city full of stunning architecture whizzed by me. 
Happiness flowed from my soul. 
Feeling like I had satisfactorily expended an adequate amount of energy, I waltzed back to the hotel, back to my altitude-sensitive boyfriend. 
Mama Mia!

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