Saturday, December 10, 2011

One year wiser

This year I spent my birthday with my Nepali host family. It was a perfect day. I've grown so close to my pseudo-family. They've taken me in like their own. An added bonus is that my Nepali has greatly improved since moving in (it's a fairly easy language to learn), likewise, their English has improved. I see the most improvement in my host mom.
On the morning of my birthday, I woke up and opened the door to my bedroom. My host sister, Ashmita was there to greet me, saying "Happy Birthday, Rachel!" My host mom came around the corner and gave me a big hug, also wishing me a happy birthday. I knew this had to be the start of a good day. I was presented with presents of flowers, fruit and hair barrettes. I was touched by their thoughtfulness and generosity. I knew they couldn't afford much. After supper that night, everyone piled into my room, like usual. Except tonight, there were more than usual. My small room was packed with my host mom, dad, sister, aunt, uncle and cousin. Time flew as we spent hours talking and laughing. They wanted to make sure my birthday was special. My host dad brought me a large bottle of Tuborg beer and a plate of sliced apples. I laughed and waved my hands in protest and said "pugyo" (I'm full). They had already stuffed me to the gills with rice and vegetables. I suggested that everyone help me drink the beer. They happily obliged, so we split the bottle between all of us. They were so funny, they acted like college kids at a frat party. They wanted to take pictures, so we took a slew of goofy pictures and laughed until our stomachs hurt after viewing them.

They are so much fun to be around, having a unique way of making you feel comfortable. As the night wound down, they admitted they were sad I was leaving in the morning and asked when I will come back to visit.
I told them I will never forget this birthday, and I will never forget them. They were tickled pink when I told them I've shown their pictures to my family back home. They said "In America?!!", then laughed hysterically.
I was sad to be leaving them in the morning. They have been so good to me. As far as when I will return, there's no telling in this unpredictable life I live.

Remember the "mouse" I thought I had in my room? Well, I finally caught a glimpse of the little shyster. Before supper, I had went with my host cousin to her aunt's house down the road. Upon returning, I opened the door to my bedroom and flipped on the light. I then saw a RAT run over the top of my bed and scramble down the side of the wall to the floor.
Earlier, I had assumed it was a mouse causing all the noise at night. I was wrong. This thing can easily be classified as a rat. The monster was the size of a squirrel! I screamed loudly (just as I predicted I would) and bolted into the living room and jumped on the couch. During situations like these, there is no thinking involved, just a quick reaction.
During the last week, I noticed some strange occurrences happening. At the end of the day, my belongings I had on the bed were not where I remembered placing them. I knew for sure that I was missing 2 bras. Which is a lot when you only have 4 to begin with. One day I noticed that one of my shirts was crammed tightly into the crack between the bed and the wall, as if a human had done it. I thought "hmmm, that's really strange", then disregarded the fact.
So there I was, standing on their couch screaming "Rat! There's a rat on the bed!" I lose all sense of control and judgement when it comes to rats. (Why do I have so many run-ins with these things?) I totally spazzed out, but you would've too if you saw this thing. Ashmita, Asma and Sankantala run into my room worriedly to investigate. They look under both the beds and see nothing but dust bunnies. After prancing around on the couch chanting "Oh, God" for a while, I get enough courage to creep hesitantly back into my room. I told them I saw a rat, I know I saw a rat, there was no mistaking it. They kept saying "no, no rat, don't worry". I told them it was probably behind that board leaning against the wall.

They move the board and that's when they find my 2 bras, torn to shreds! This was my proof! "See", I said, "the rat stole my bra and chewed it up!" Behind this board, we also discover a large nest of cockroaches. Oh Lord, I can't handle this right now, I'm still trying to deal with the fact that a large rodent just ran over the top of my bed! I didn't even let the cockroach nest register in my brain because I knew it would drive me crazy knowing I had to sleep in this room.
After more searching, we found 2 pairs of undies and a shirt. That damn rat. How can he just steal my things like this?! I barely have any bras and undies the way it is! They're Victoria Secret, it's not like I'm going to find one of them in Nepal!
Just then I saw a shadow move on the floor, which made me scream again and jump on the bed at lightening speed. But, as I saw earlier, the bed was not safe. I was in panic mode. My host mom was laughing so hard she was holding her stomach and crying.
But I'm glad the mystery is solved. I now know what's causing all that ruckus at night. A BIG FAT RAT that likes to steal bras and undies! This is one birthday that will be difficult to forget.

In all seriousness, I feel so grateful as I look back on where I've spent the last few birthdays.
27th: Hawaii
28th: Virgin Islands
29th: New Zealand
30th: The Maldives
31st: Nepal
I feel like I'm living a charmed life. However, as the saying goes: You are in control of your own destiny. At 26, I remember thinking about how great if would be if I could travel the world and live the life I'm currently living. I will never forget where I was at that pivotal moment. I felt butterflies in my stomach as I daydreamed for what seemed like hours, imagining myself at all these magical places around the world. With this overwhelming feeling of joy, I also felt a mixture of sadness and anxiety. Why haven't I started doing these things I've always wanted to do? What am I waiting for? If these are my dreams, what's stopping me from going out and making them happen?! I snapped out of my daydream and felt a strong rush of ambition. This is my life, I better get busy living it. I was sick of letting my dreams remain dreams.
I was on the phone with one of my nursing recruiters shortly after I had this epiphany. 3 days later, I had broken up with my boyfriend and was living in Hawaii, the happiest I've ever been in my life. I was free! Free to roam, free from this boring mundane predictable life I was living, free to be me! I was finally starting to live!
As I reflect on how much my life has changed since then, I think about how the Nepalese are shocked and saddened when they discover I'm single at 31.
But let's get something straight, my friends. I don't own a home. Right now, my home is wherever I lay my head for the night. I'm not married. I don't have kids and I'm not living the "American dream".
I am, however, living MY dream, and that makes me very happy.
My advice: Do what you love and love what you do!
True happiness


  1. Happy belated birthday, Rachel. What a fabulous way to LIVE your life. It's rather unfortunate about the loss of your bras and panties (but slightly humorous). I'm assuming shipping a set or two to your next (probably unknown or subject to change) destination is out of the question?

  2. Thanks Misty! I'm off to Dubai tomorrow and I just discovered they have a Victoria Secret! I'm so happy! haha
