Monday, February 10, 2014

That eerie feeling in the water

Surfing was on our "to do" list for the Galapagos, by Dinh's choosing. He's like someone without their morning coffee when he doesn't surf. We found a tranquil beach with a good wave. It was so beautiful, it was almost unreal. As I was on the beach taking pictures of Dinh surfing, I watched him keenly. What happened next was something out of a movie. 
 It happened in slow motion, like most unbelievable life moments do. The water was brilliantly clear blue. A big wave came curling up perfectly. I watched as Dinh floated gracefully over it. 
Directly to the left of him I saw a dark object nestled in the light blue wave. My eyes focused and I see the body, then the fin. 
A SHARK!!!! 
It was plain as day to see. 
My eyes lurched out of my head and for a second. I was in denial. 
Reality hit me quickly and I started screaming as loud as I could to Dinh. 
I strained my vocal cords and took another deep breath. "DIIIINNNNNNHH!!!!!!"
My shouts were drowned out by the roaring waves. It was no use. 
I closed my eyes, knowing what was sure to happen next. The shark was headed straight toward Dinh. 
I didn't see any chaotic movements on his part. No blood in the water either. My heart beat fast and my anxiety level was sky high. I paced anxiously on the beach. 
Dinh caught a few waves and paddled in early. 
I was still shaking as I told him about the shark. He told me he had just seen him when he paddled in early. I felt relieved to have Dinh in one piece. 
The shark didn't have Dinh on the menu that day. 
The waters of the Galapagos are chalk full of sharks. 
A few days later, I fought my fear as I paddled out to surf myself. I got the eebie jeebies as I floated in the beautifully blue waters. There was a lull in the waves and I felt trapped out there. I had no escape if I saw a shark. 
I would have to paddle frantically, hoping he didn't bite my arms off. Finally a wave came and I surfed it in to shore. I didn't go back out, I had already pressed my luck that day. 
When I'm in the water, I can always sense if there is a shark nearby. Believe it or not. It's an eerie feeling and it sends me into panic mode. You have to have a little talk with yourself sometimes. It's a mind game.
looking for sharks
I felt it the strongest while surfing in Hawaii. I was paddling in deep dark waters. No one was close by. I paddled as efficiently as I could, making sure each stroke count. I didn't want to be lunch for a shark. It's one of the worst feelings to have a big unknown world under you. Something lurking below, looking up and perhaps mistaking you for a seal. 
I live another day!!!

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