Sunday, April 22, 2012

Alice the 2 humped camel

♫Alice the camel had.... 2 humps!
Alice the camel had.... 2 humps!
Alice the camel had.... 2 humps, so ride Alice, ride!
Boom, boom, boom, boom!♫

Ok, I've had this silly song in my head ever since I rode the Cadillac of all camels: the 2 humped Mongolian camel! I've rode quite a few camels in my lifetime, but I have to say, these superlative 2 humped camels are the most comfortable of all camels worldwide. Hands down. You'll have to believe me on this one. This was my first time on a 2 humped camel and I was beaming with excitement!
I had the opportunity to ride one of these massive beasts while staying with a Mongolian family who lived happily in the desert. I'll call her Alice the camel.
Approaching the large, tan camel, she turns her head to me curiously, checking me out with her big brown eyes and long lush lashes. The old Mongolian man owner pulls on the rope attached to Alice's nostrils and the camel thumps to the ground on her knees while letting out a low groan. Standing by her side, a Mongolian was available on each side to assist me with the stirrups. I was hesitant, as usual. I held my arms up tightly to my chest, creating tight fists and shaking dramatically. "I'm sceerd" I whispered to the man. He laughed playfully at me. But the truth is, I really am frightened. I've had one too many bad experiences on camels. I suck up my annoying irrational fear and swing my leg over the fuzzy animal. 
I'm pleasantly surprised by how plush she feels. Alice makes a few jerky movements and comes to a proud stand, leaving me sitting high with the chilly Mongolian air blowing on my face. My guide, Santee, guided the camel next to me on his horse. We trotted through the desert like a Mongolian prince and princess. 

The views of the mountains and plains were rugged and calming. Santee kept looking back at me and smiling the biggest, warmest smile I'd seen in Mongolia. He had the most genuine smile. Not knowing each others mother tongue, this was our communication. I gripped the solid hump of the camel, using it as my saddle handle. It felt hard as a rock with a thick layer of camel fur covering it, which was shedding off onto my gloves.

Alice the camel ripped a big bushel of sticks out of every shrub we passed and gnawed at them noisily while toting me around on her back. I was rocked gently back and forth with each dignified step. The camel song played through my head as the cold wind blew by my ears. 2 of the Mongolian's guard dogs tagged along gingerly for the entire ride. I had finally rode a 2 humped camel......

♫Alice the camel had.... 2 humps! So ride, Rachel, ride!
Boom, boom, boom, boom!♫
me and Santee

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