Sunday, December 01, 2013

On the road again

Traveling is like a game. With intuition, experience and a little luck, traveling becomes easier. Without these 3 valuable traits, you will get burned. People will take advantage of you.  It will happen, regardless.  Especially in third world countries where salaries are a fraction of ours.  

When you outsmart them, you win. 
When they outsmart you, they win. 

It's fun for me. It challenges my brain in ways I wouldn't normally get if I stayed at home, in my safe bubble. I totally recommend it. 

I decided to continue down south through Central America solo. I wasn't feeling productive in Nicaragua and I have a heart like the restless wind. Dinh wouldn't leave if I paid him 2 million dollars. Surfing is his life, and NOTHING is more important than that. 


Now that I'm traveling on my own, I see the stark difference compared to traveling with a mate. I'm more keen to my surroundings. I don't have anyone looking out for me. I quickly scan everyone that I see, doing a lightening quick psychoanalysis of them, determining if they are a threat. It keeps me on my toes.
Traveling solo is a more raw, richer experience. 

I got dropped off at a hole-in-the-wall hotel in Managua by Dinh and his friend Chip. 
on the way to Managua
I had a 6 am bus to catch to San Jose, Costa Rica the next morning. As soon as they pulled away, a huge thunderstorm came rolling through, shaking the windows with it's wicked-loud thunder. It amazes me how loud and ferocious the rain storms are in Nicaragua. The skies were angry that night. I winced every time I heard the thunder. I was alone once again. Honestly, I was a little nervous. I had to mentally prepare myself to travel solo once again. It takes some wits about you and requires you to have a bit of a rougher side. This rough side isn't always shown, but it must exist if you want to travel alone. Just in case. 

My rough side has gotten me out of a lot of sticky situations. When all else fails, act like you're crazy. Never fails. 
I would bet that every solo traveler doubts themselves at some time, if only for a minute. I admit, I had a twinge of doubt on my first night alone. 
I daydreamed about my solo travel in the near future and pessimistic thoughts polluted my mind. 
I squashed them pronto. 

Wake up, Rachel! You've done this a million times before! Of course you can do this! 
Oh yea, that's right, I am totally capable. What am I worried about?!

I shook my head and came out of this trance. 
Ok, it's settled. I'm going to be just fine traveling on my own from now on. Duh. 
After traveling with Dinh for 2 months, I became accustom to it. He was my security blanket. Travel is so much easier with someone. But I almost prefer to do it solo. You can really see what you're made of. It's very rewarding and empowering. 

I have more time to think, to process everything I'm experiencing. I'm more approachable when I'm alone. I am a better writer when I'm alone. I haven't written nearly as many and as good quality blog entries as I'd liked to, because I was traveling with someone else. 

It was imperative that I travel alone. It was just going to take a little adjustment. Dinh was no longer by my side. The bed felt empty . My days were going to be quieter. There would be no more sharing the cost of the hotel rooms. Let the pity party begin. 
I don't like feeling dependent on anyone.

I was feeling a bit lonely at this point, so I skyped with my mom and sister and felt my worries melt away . 
I tossed and turned like a hot potato that night. The neighborhood was uber sketchy and the heat and humidity was overwhelming. 
5 am rolled around faster than I wished and soon I had to be out the door to catch my bus. 

♪ ♫ ♬On the road again, just can't wait to get on the road again! ♪ ♫ ♬chimed in my mind as I toted myself to the bus station. Just me and my bag now. That's how it's always been. That's how it will always be. 
No matter what, I will always have God and my guardian angels by my side. 
I am a strong, independent woman and am fully capable of traveling through this world solo. Why did I ever doubt myself?
As soon as I had gotten over my twinge of fear, butterflies tickled my stomach as I thought about the adventures that awaited me in unknown lands. 
♪ ♫ ♬On the road again......♪ ♫ ♬

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