Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Au Naturale

As my time in the US winds down, I was reading through some of my old journals. Sometimes I write posts but never publish them. This is one from November 7th. It made me chuckle because it's exactly how I feel today.

Here it is:

The longer I'm in Hawaii, the healthier and happier I fell. It must be something in the air that makes me long for a natural existence. Fresh local foods energize me and make me feel my best. The warm ocean air seduces me to spend time outdoors and I feel my body becoming more fit as the days pass. These days, I strive for all things natural. The food I eat, the products I use on my hair and body and the chemicals I'm exposed to. I cringe when I see people eating processed foods and using harsh chemicals on their bodies or taking unnecessary medications. I always seem to get into this frame of mind when I'm in Hawaii. Call me a hippy if you'd like, but a healthy, natural lifestyle is a must for me.

Hawaii is perfect for me to get my nature fix. Nothing wows me more than pure, raw nature. We live in a beautiful, stunning world. This is what drives me to travel. I would choose to soak in a mesmerizing mountain view rather than a spectacular man-made masterpiece.
I think it would be so groovy to live in the Alaskan bush in a handmade log home, living off the land. At one with nature. Forget about electronics, they seem to cause me extreme stress rather than providing me with convenience. The last few months, I've dealt with a corrupt computer and a broken iPhone, which has caused a whole new batch of unwanted gray hair to pop up on my head. I fantasize about a world without Facebook. Remember what life was like before it came about? I find myself living a less private existence after Facebook. And I'm not sure I like it. If I lived in the Alaskan bush, I wouldn't have to deal with the shenanigans other people pull or with all the cruel human beings in this world.
But I'm afraid I would starve if I decided to be a bush girl. I couldn't bring myself to eat moose and bear meat. Plus, if I lived out there, you guys wouldn't have my blog to read :) I better stay in Hawaii for now.

I'm having a hard time with Americans lately. I'm able to see them in a clearer light and their true colors are really showing. They have a tendency to hurt my feelings... a lot. They can be so rude, insensitive, ugly, selfish and absent minded. They just don't get it. I don't have these same feelings when I'm overseas. People living in third world countries don't need 3 cars and a big house to be happy. Some of the nicest people I've met were some of the poorest.
I feel welcomed when I'm traveling and see the beauty in people more frequently. It really gives me hope in the human race. Then it all comes to a screeching halt the second I step foot in my mother land. Oh, America.
Perhaps this is what draws me to travel. To get away from the mean people. ha.
I realize I'm making some major generalizations here, but I'm exercising my fifth amendment rights.
I can bad mouth America because I'm an American. It's like a sister picking on her own sister, it's kosher. But if someone bad mouths my sister (America) I'm definitely going to stand up for her. 

Now that I've been in the US for a few months, I've had time to process a lot of the thoughts from my trip. All these thoughts have been swimming in my head like a bunch of gold fish in a glass bowl. 
Third world countries are lax, and I realize I love them for that. I like the fact that things aren't regulated and that you can ride with 5 people on a scooter without helmets, and that you can ride on top of a bus without getting in trouble for it, and that you can get away with a lot of things with a little baksheesh (bribe).

"Why does she always get to ride in the front?!"
A common sight in India 
Totally A- ok to do in India

I never would have been able to climb the pyramids in Egypt without bribing the guard 
Riding on top of the bus in Nepal. So much fun!!!!

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