Monday, October 31, 2011

My name is Rachel, and I'm a blogger

So often when I return from a lengthy trip I am confronted with the statement, "so tell me ALL about your trip!" I kind of "er" and "um", I mean, WHERE do I begin?!! I have had so many experiences, I couldn't quite possibly tell them all in one sitting.
So after many requests, and to help keep my mom's sanity, I've decided to blog on this trip. I promise to update it as much as my schedule and internet access allows. Go easy on me now, I'm no fancy dancy travel writer here.
I will share with you the everyday humor I run into being in a foreign country, and what goes through the mind of this 30 year old female as she makes her way through the world solo. I will also incorporate some of the stories from my previous trips, since it would be a shame to keep them all to myself :) For some odd reason, I'm a magnet for bizarre and seriously funny situations. I'm always having something CRAZY happen to me! At least it makes for good blogging.
With my brain constantly being stimulated by new environments and cultures, the thoughts provoked have helped create some pretty interesting journals (and dreams!).
During this adventure, I will spend the majority of my time in Asia. I'm also traveling to the Middle East, Africa and Europe.
Everyone asks me: "how long will you be gone?"
This is my answer: I don't know.
6 months? At least. 1 year? Maybe.
Traveling through the world will undoubtedly change you. Join me on my adventure and witness the change that occurs. Perhaps it will inspire you to throw on a backpack and explore this beautiful world!

Off to far away lands!


  1. I'm so excited to follow your journey...wherever it may lead. Thanks for sharing it with us un-nomadic people.

  2. Happy Travels Rachel! I will be spending my winter in Baja while you are enjoying Asia. I would say 'be careful' but I know how you travel. Casa Joyita

  3. Have an awesome trip! We'll enjoy lurking along with you :)

  4. Oooooh Loardie! You are off to far away lands!
    I'm stoked for you and am totally going to live vicariously through you.
    I wish you so much ease and fun and adventure and love.
    Take care lovely, I will be anxiously waiting for an update
